Discussion between Angada and Jambavan - Chapter 35

In the previous chapter, we saw Hanuman recounts his exploits to the Vanaras. , Now we'll see a Discussion between Angada and Jambavan.

After listening to Hanuman Angada said “I can with my army destroy the enemy and deliver Sita so what with all your help it would be easier. I will kill Ravana and his men with my hands. With all your blessings I will destroy all the astras of Indrajit. Jambavan is invincible. Hanuman alone will suffice to destroy the enemies”. He went on like this to speak about the strength of his army chiefs. He concluded by saying that they should go immediately, deliver Sita by killing the enemy and go and meet Rama along with Sita. Jambavan was happy with what Angada said and told him that even though they could do as Angada said it was better to first know from Rama about his intentions and then act accordingly


In the next chapter, We'll see Departing for Kishkindha.

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