The killing of Jambumali and seven sons of Minister - Chapter 23

In the previous chapter, we saw Hanuman killing the Rakshasas. , Now we'll see The killing of Jambumali and the seven sons of the Minister.

Ravana wanted to kill the vanara and sent Jambumali a great hero who was the son of Prahasta who was the chief of Ravana’s army. He rode in his mighty chariot with several weapons. He also was wearing a copper shield (it could be iron as well because Valmiki uses the word Loha). He raised a loud noise with his bow, which resounded in all directions. Hanuman saw him and roared so loud that nature trembled. Jambumali hit Hanuman with several astras such as Narasa, Karnika, and so on, and wounded him on the face. Hanuman glowed red like a lotus with blood on his already red face (his color in Sanskrit is Pingala). Hanuman got so angry that he lifted a huge rock that was there and hurled it at Jambumali who smashed it with his arrows. Then Hanuman uprooted a huge tree and started swinging it fast. But then it was also cut off by the arrows sent by Jambumali. Finally, Hanuman took the huge stick, which he had used before, and smashed Jambumali’s chest, arms, and legs, and so on and he fell down dead.

Ravana was furious for he never imagined that the monkey could kill the mighty Jambumali. He called the seven sons of ministers who were great warriors and ordered them to fight the monkey and kill it. They all set out in their golden chariots followed by a huge army.

They showered arrows on Hanuman as soon as they reached where he was waiting which covered him as rain would a mountain. Anyone who had been in Kerala during the heavy rains could well visualize this scene of a mountain being hidden by a heavy downpour. Hanuman became furious and started killing the rakshasas with his hands, nails, and legs, and so on and destroyed them. The earth was covered with a river of blood. Having destroyed all of them Hanuman returned to his post and awaited others.

In the next chapter, We'll see the Killing of five army chiefs.

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