The killing of five army chiefs - Chapter 24

In the previous chapter, we saw The killing of Jambumali and the seven sons of the Minister. , Now we'll see The killing of five army chiefs.

Ravana was greatly perturbed but did not show his feelings. He called his five commanders, Virupaksha, Yupaksha, Durdhara, Praghasa, and Bhasakarna, and ordered them to punish Hanuman for whatever he had done to their army. He encouraged them by saying that they were all mighty warriors and invincible. He said that he had seen many Vanaras when he had an encounter with Vali. He said that he had seen Vanaras such as Sugreeva, Jambavan, Neela, and others who were just ordinary warriors. He said that he suspected that Hanuman was created specially by Indra to kill them. So he asked them to be very prudent in dealing with Hanuman who seemed to him to be extraordinary. The five commanders then left with their huge army making loud noise which made everything around tremble.

Durdhara attacked Hanuman with five sharp arrows made of iron (Ayasa). Hanuman roared and rose up in the sky and he increased his size enormously and jumped onto his chariot, which got crushed along with their horses, and Durdhara fell dead. The other commanders saw this and came and attacked Hanuman with tridents, and sharp weapons but Hanuman uprooted a big hill, which was full of snakes and animals, and crushed them. He struck the elephants with elephants, the horses with horses, and so on. Finally, he killed the whole army. The earth was covered completely with dead rakshasas. Hanuman went back to the gate and waited like the God of death Yama for others to come.

In the next chapter, We'll see Death of Akshakumara.

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