Vedic Wisdom - Avataras

Vedic Wisdom


‘Avatara’ means God descending as man, for a specific purpose, in human or an adapted human form. Generally God so descends when Ignorance rules the roost and wisdom has been side lined.These Avataraas happen to rectify the imbalances caused to the cosmos due to non adherence of the cosmic laws by one person or a set of persons, or a set of species. These ‘ Avataraas’ are intended to put the process of evolution back in track whenever it has been derailed due to Greed, Lust and Ego of men caused by Ignorance.That is why Lord Krishna openly declares in Gita that “whenever evils rear their head menacingly over the good, I will appear to quell it.”

Man Vs. Avataraa

We have been discussing the fact that Brahman and Atman is one and the same ; whereas here we are talking about ‘avatara’ as God descending.Now therefore a question arises. When God indwells in all the beings, are they also not the avataraas of God. Why we designate certain manifestations alone as avataras. It is a fair and reasonable query requiring a logical answer.

God in normal beings Vs God in Avataraas

Indeed really speaking everyone is an avatara of God only. But the manifestation of God in the normal beings and the manifestation of God in these special purpose vehicles designated as ‘avataraas’ are different in a few critical aspects as under:

In the normal course of the birth of beings, God allows the cosmic rules to operate in its own rhythm and hence the potencies and powers of those beings will be on the basis of its bodily holding capacity, whereas in the Avataraas the Body and the potencies are decided by the God depending upon the purpose for which he is descending.

In the normal beings they will be bound by the karmic bondage for their actions whereas in Avataraas there is no such bondage.

In the normal beings the God supports the beings to experience and evolve whereas in Avataraas he takes a form to set right the evolution process which has been disturbed by some evil forces.

In beings Brahman and Atman are similar in nature whereas in Avataraas they are one and the same.

The avataraas are transcendental to the defects of the conditioned soul viz., 

(a) committing mistakes; 
(b) disillusionment 
(c) tendency to cheat 
and (d) imperfectness in senses.

In normal beings God resides in the body; in the Avataras body covers the God.

Major Avataras

There are ten major designated avataras in Hinduism – Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narashimha, Vamana, Parashurama, Rama, Krishna, Buddha and Kalki -but in reality there are many more. Each of these avatara had a purpose. But even the God head when it has taken an avatara it has gone through the travails and tribulations of a human birth and there is no exception to the nature’s law. Otherwise why should Rama, The God, should have undergone these ordeals. He has done this for two reasons- 1) to achieve at any cost his objective of that avatara; 2) to set a role model for the human beings that such sufferings are just a process of the life journey and there is no need to panic or lose heart.

The Avataras, stand at a different level of manifestation, energy levels and vibratory frequencies. They have undertaken this mission for quelling the untruth and therefore they are highly potent, though their form is that of a human.Therefore their sayings, advises and utterances carry the divine power - why even their very name resonates with positive energy.
In every Avatara the God has established certain basic cosmic duties and has also revealed certain cosmic realities as under:

Matsya- even a deluge can’t derail his goal.

Kurma- wherever you hide he will catch you.

Varaha- he will bear any pressure for the human welfare.

Narashimha-for the sake of his devotee he will do anything.

Vamana-he rewards and elevates persons of pure love and devotion to be eternally with him- no matter what is his antecedents.

Parashurama-even a king cannot commit an unpardonable sin.

Rama-a man should always fulfill his cosmic duties and uphold his ‘maryada’ no matter what rights he has to give up or what ordeals he has to undergo.

Krishna-whenever evils rear it’s head menacingly God will put it down by all means.

Buddha-rituals cannot supercede spiritual philosophy.

Kaliki-if the world has gone beyond redemption, the God will collapse it and restart afresh.

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This article is a snippet from the Book Vedic Wisdom, Authored by Pandit Sri Rama Sharma. Vedic Wisdom is available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition.

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