Essentials of Hinduism - Sandhya Vandhana

Essentials of Hinduism

Sandhya Vandhana

Sandhya Vandana is a Nitya Karma (Mandatory Karma) for all the Hindu Brahmins that is a Worship to Surya. This Nitya Karma should be performed in the Morning (before Sun-rise), Midday (between 10.30 AM and Noon), as well as, in the Evening (before Sunset) in order to ward-off the sins.

Sun, and the Deities presiding over the anger! Save me from the sin committed through anger. What sin I did at night, by mind, word and hands, by feet, stomach, may the Deity presiding over the night destroy it! Whatever remains in me as sin, that and my own Self (its doer) here, I am offering as an oblation (the act of making an offering to God) in the light of the Sun, the source of immortality.

Note 1: 

It is very important to emphasize for the benefit of all the Hindu Brahmins that all kinds of Prayers done to the Paramatma everyday are of little or no significance, unless, the Sandya Vandanas are performed diligently (carefully and attentively).

Note 2: 

Sandya Vandana is covered in exhaustive details in the Sandya Vandana Chapter 4 (under Nitya Karmas).


May the Goddess Saraswati, the Goddess of Intellect be pleased to come to us. She is Universal in her comprehension (understanding), auspicious, and of a favorable Mind. “O Goddess! With your Blessing, we shall shun lowly talk, and in the assembly, at the end of sacrifice, speak about the Supreme Goddess! One loved by you becomes a Seer (Rishi), the very God of Creation, one to whom all splendor has come; one who is loved by you attains variegated (varied in appearance or color) riches; come to us, O Intellect, with riches.” 


A special Japa (Meditation), done even now on the occasion of the annual ceremony of Vedic study, Adhyaya-Upakarma-Utsarjana. The significance of this is that here the man, the doer of various wrong acts under the force of passion, desire and anger, examine the Pathology (science dealing with diseases) of the condition, fixes the responsibility on the two evils of desire and anger, and by a repetition to himself of this Truth, tries to throw out of his being these two evils.

Oblations with recital of this Mantra or mere recitals of it are also prescribed as a rite of expiation (act of breathing out) of different categories of sins committed under urge of lust or wrath (fury or anger).

Desire did it, Desire does it, I do not do it. Desire is the doer, I am not the doer, Desire is the agent, I am not the agent. “O Desire! This oblation to you! Anger did, Anger does, I do not do. Anger is the doer, I am not the doer, Anger is the Agent, I am not the Agent. O Anger! This oblation to you!”


There are many many other Hymns in the Krishna Yajur Veda Samhita that have not been reviewed in this Chapter. But the sample provided should be adequate to stimulate the interest further. The Yajur Veda is like a vast storehouse. If your interest has been stimulated, read the original text on Krishna Yajur Veda.


Brahmana means relating to the Brahman or Mantra, that is, an explanation of the meaning, importance and use of the different prayers, hymn and formulas. It should be emphasized here that most of the explanations of the Yajur Veda Suktas are included in the Samhita section above.

The method of the Brahmana text is to mention an injunction (Vidhi) and recommend it with praise (Stuti) and also includes condemnation (Ninda) of the opposite. The Brahmanas are the real harbingers (tells what is coming) of the Upanishads. It is in the Brahmanas that one first meets with that higher sense in the different aspects of sacrifice and ritual. Truth is the flower and fruit of speech; and he will become a master, a man of renown, one of excellent repute, he who speaks this flower and fruit of speech, Truth. 

Krishna Yajur Veda – Taitareya Brahmanas:

1) SPEECH: Speech, the imperishable, is the first-born of Truth, Mother of the Vedas. May She, in happiness, come to us, in the sacrifice; our protecting Goddess, may She be easy of invocation for us.

2) FAITH: Faith wraps the gods; Faith wraps this entire Universe; that Faith, I increase with oblation (Homa).

3) TRUTH: I seek Truth, the Moral Order.


The later portion of the Brahmanas were cultivated in the forests. Hence the later portion of the Brahmanas where they occur is called the Aranyaka.

The Surya Namaskara that belongs here is already explained earlier in this Details section along with the Suktas etc.

This article is a snippet from the Book Essentials of Hinduism, Authored by G.S Nilakantan. Hinduism for All is available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition.

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