Essentials of Hinduism - Aghamarshana Sukta

Essentials of Hinduism

Aghamarshana Sukta

Aghamarshana Sukta consists of sin effacing (wiping out) Mantras. This Sukta should be chanted at the time of bath early in the Morning.


I seek the Lord of Waters (Varuna) whose surface is golden; entreated (prayed) by us, give me a ford (pass or cross) for bathing and purifying myself. The food I had eaten at the house of bad people, the gift I had received from evil men, the sin I have committed with my mind, word or deed, relating to all these sinful acts, may Indra, Varuna, Brishaspati and Sun purify me again and again. The sin from over-eating, over-drinking and receiving from people of violent living in ways, may King Varuna wipe it off with his hand. Let me thus, rid of evil, impurity and sin, become liberated, ascend to Heaven, and attain the Lord of Creation.


This Hymn is for Goddess Durga and is highly cherished by the devotees of the Mother Goddess. That Goddess who is like fire and blazes forth (displays with fanfare) with Her power, the creative power of the self-luminous Lord, sought by Devotees for the fruits of their Actions, that Goddess, difficult to access Durga, I seek as my refuge; to you, O Goddess, who are the safe sailing vessel for people to cross easily, I make my Obeisance (Worshipful Respect).


This is the matchless (unique) Sukta. Paramatma Sriman Narayana sees Everything. He does only good things for the entire World. He is immortal. I am meditating on Him. He is greater than this World. He is the World. He gets rid of the sins and griefs of his Devotees. I am meditating on Him. He is the caretaker of this World. He does not leave the heart of His Devotees. He is the Atma for everyone. He cares for those who surrender to Him. I am meditating on Him. That Narayana is the bright shining light. He is the Paramatma. He is the Dhyana. He is the One who occupies this entire World. He does not have an end. I am meditating on Him. Our heart is like an inverted lotus flower. Our heart is located below the neck bone and one hand measure above the navel (belly-button). Inside the heart there is a tiny hole. In there Atma Svarupa is located with lights flashing all-over. How did our Munis and the Rishis find out these minute details – Truth – about the Atma! Does n’t this sound strange? That is why the Vedas are called “Apaurusheya” - means: Vedas are created by the Paramatma Narayana. Then Narayana Sukta goes into the Dhyana (Tapas or Meditation) known as the Kundalini Dhyana – that involves performing Dhyana on the Atma Jyothi at the “Sushumna Nadi”.

This article is a snippet from the Book Essentials of Hinduism, Authored by G.S Nilakantan. Hinduism for All is available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition.

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