Essentials of Hinduism - Atharvana Veda Samhita - 6

Essentials of Hinduism

Atharvana Veda Samhita

Kanda 9:

The Honeylash of the Asvinis:

This is probably the best known Sukta of the Atharvana Veda. The Ashvinis were the Lords of Light, who appeared just before the Dawn. The Honeylash seems to have represented the Life Giving morning breeze, with all its Creative Powers. The Honeylash has also been identified with a Cow. Gods made the Honeylash; As soon as it was born, it began to observe the World. All subjects Worship it from their hearts and attain Happiness. It is born from the Fire and from the Wind. In it is the life giving force of all Beings. It is the Honeylash that energizes the Earth.

The bees collect honey in their hives. “O Ashvinis! Like that, may Knowledge, Energy, Strength and Valor be collected in my Being. The bees keep adding freshly collected honey to that which already exists. O Ashvinis! Like that, may new Knowledge, new Energy, new Strength and new Valor be added to that which is already there in my Being. O Ashvinis! You are the Preservers of that which is Righteous. May the honey of bees be added to my Existence. May I be able to Energize my Speech.

O Prajapati! O Preserver of the Universe! You are strong and your voice is like the thunder of clouds. You shower down Strength on Earth and in Heaven. It is on this Strength that all Living Beings survive. It is this Strength that fulfills and sustains them with Food grains.”

This Kanda contains other Suktas concerned with the Glorification of Cows, prevent diseases, on the proper reception of Guests.

Kanda 10:

Kena Sukta:

The Word Kena means “from what?” Profound (deep and thoughtful) questions are the subject of this Sukta. Who Created the Universe that we see? From what was the Universe made? Where did I come from? Where will I go? These and many, many more are the sort of questions in this Sukta.

How can one please the Gods and attain their Proximity? How can one attain Divine Qualities and please the Subjects? It is through Learning that one can please the Gods and attain the Proximity. It is through Learning that enables one to attain Divine Qualities and please the Subjects.

There are other Suktas too – Prayers for fighting poison, charms for ensuring Victory, ensuring that a Woman does not have a Co-Wife, Prayers addressed to Cow and a Sukta that describes the Brahman.

Kanda 11:


Although this Hymn is addressed to Rudra, He is sometimes referred to by other names too – Bhava, Sharva, Pashupati.

“O Creator of all that there is! I Worship the sound of Your Life Force. O Immortal Rudra! I Worship the thousand eyes that you possess. I Worship the Power of your Energy. I Worship You from every direction, because, You are Heaven and You are the Atmosphere. It is to You that the Powerful Atmosphere belongs. O Pashupati! We Worship You so that You may grant us the Happiness.

I see in front of me the thousand-eyed Rudra. I Worship you in the Morning and I Worship you in the Evening. I Worship you during the Day and I Worship you during the Night. May my tongue not utter words which offend Rudra.

There are other Suktas on the virtues of Celibacy (Unmarried, Sexually abstinent), addressed to Foodgrains, Hymns on Brahman and on Warfare.”

Kanda 12:

The Motherland:

There are some acts which Protect and nurture the Motherland and the Nation. These are firm Truthfulness, True Knowledge, Righteousness, skill in performing deeds, performing Sacrifices and giving alms (Charity). Sacred is the Motherland.

In this Land the Vedas are revered in every Direction. In this Land the Best Paths to Meditation have been found. In this Land Sacrifices and other good deeds are performed. The Righteous ones are worshipped here. Wonderful are the words of Wisdom that have been uttered in this Land. This is the Land where the search for the Paramatma is made. This is the Land that the Paramatma has Blessed through his Strength and his nourish-ment. At the Sacrifices, the officiating Priests are those who are Learned in the Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and soma juice is offered to Indra.

There are other Suktas in this section about Heaven and about Cows.

Kanda 13:

Funeral Ceremonies:

“O Agni! You have an intimate connection with the Water. I sprinkle Water on your Flames. I pacify all the Herbs through this Action. (This refers to the act of putting out the Fire on the Funeral Pyre).

O Ancestors! You will return to your abode after the Sacrifice is over. But at the Sacrifice, we have offered You many Oblations. Accept them and grant us Food grains and Riches and Prosperous Children.

We will Purify ourselves through our Learning. May we be protected from sin and may we have Long Lives. May we be Blessed with the best of qualities. May we have Subjects and other Riches.

The Ancestors will come to the Sacrifice at our bidding. They will listen to our Prayers. They will Protect us and grant us Wisdom. All our Ancestors, from Time Immemorial, will come to this Sacrifice. Let us offer them soma juice. Let us have a plentiful supply of Oblations for them. The
Ancestors have become like Gods themselves. They will come to our Sacrifice with Agni and the other Gods. O Agni! Please bring the Ancestors to this Sacrifice.

There are more Suktas in this section on the funeral ceremonies. There are also Suktas on Spritual Upliftment.”

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