Essentials of Hinduism - Atharvana Veda Samhita - 5

Essentials of Hinduism

Atharvana Veda Samhita

Kanda 7:

The Atma:

There are four ways to Purify the Atma, meaning our Jivatma or Self (the Human Soul):

1) Concentrate one’s Mind through Meditation so that one realizes the Origin of all Speech;

2) Always Speak the Truth;

3) Follow the Path of Learning;

4) Keep chanting the name of Paramatma. These are the four ways to Purify and Elevate the Jivatma (Self).

One’s life is Successful only if one practices all these four instructions. One then gets to know the nature of Paramatma, who is like a parent to all of us. Such a Person goes beyond the confines of his Own Atma and encircles himself with the power of the three Worlds. He immerses himself in the Paramatma and pervades the Universe.

The Atma is always youthful. It is always Present with the Physical Body and protects a Person like a Father. It comes into the Womb of the Mother. It is the Atma which is the link between Men and Gods. The Learned Worship the Atma through their Mental Powers. May those who are thus Learned instruct us on the Nature of the Atma. The Atma is the performer of the best of deeds. The Atma follows the best of Paths so that it can merge into the Paramatma.

The Paramatma is sweet and immortal. The Atma Elevates Itself through Meditation so that it can Unite with the Paramatma.

The Motherland:

This section speaks about the Earth mostly. Prayers to the Motherland for our Protection, bring us Welfare and bring us multitude (large amount) of Happiness. 

Prayer to Saraswati:

“O Saraswati! Provide us Happiness, Peace and Spiritual Upliftment. You are the One who nurtures (takes care of) Everything. O Goddess! Nurture us so that we may thrive. I am offering Oblations to You through the prescribed Religious Rites. I offer these Clarified Butter to You. Please accept them. You have the Power to shower us with Welfare. Please display your Grace and grant us your favor and Happiness. May You never be parted from us.”

The Sabha:

In the Vedic times, a King was aided in his task of Government by two Assemblies – the Sabha and the Samiti. The Sabha was attended by exclusive people only, and, Samiti was open to all. Prayers to the Gods so the Sabha and Samiti not have a difference of opinion with the King, may the Assemblies educate the King, may the members of the Sabha advise the King in a truly unbiased and neutral fashion, and, may all the members of the Sabha concentrate on their duties and on the King.

The Mother Tongue:

Let us not turn away from the Mother Tongue. Those who are desirous of pleasing the Gods chant Prayers to them in the Mother tongue. It is the Mother Tongue which performs the function of Purification. May we use our Mother Tongue to describe the Glory of Gods.

Prayer for a Long Life:

“O Agni! You are the beloved one. I increase your Glory through my Oblations. May you Grant us Food grains. May you grant us Long Lives.”

Prayer for Marital Harmony:
Keep me in the innermost recesses of your Heart. May you and I always stay United. 

A Wife’s Prayer:

I dig up this Herb from the Ground. This herb will attract his attention towards me. This is the Herb that prevents one from falling prey to Temptation. It will grant Happiness. This herb is named Asuri. I use it to obtain Power over my Husband so that I may always be loved by Him. “O Husband! You are mine alone. Do not even mention anyone else’s name. You may travel faraway, but, this Herb will bring you back to me.

Amongst the other Suktas in Kanda seven are prayers to various Gods. There are Prayers to increase one’s Welfare, obtaining Protection from enemies, ensuring good rainfall and bountiful harvests, special charms for taking care of poison and specific illnesses, and, Suktas dedicated to the Cows.”

Kanda 8:

Charm for the recovery of a Man who is dying:

“I bow down before the Paramatma who adopts the form of death to bring an end to all Life. May this Man live for a long time in the immortal rays of the Sun. O Man! May your Life, your Lifespan, your Mind, and your breath of Life reside in your Body. May these Divine Words free you from the noose (loop) that is trying to drag you into the other World. May you be Elevated. O Man! Free yourself from the chains of death. Look upon Agni and Surya and continue to Live. Do not wish to meet your ancestors yet. May all the Gods protect you on Earth.

May all forms of Learning Protect you. May He who does not sleep Protect you. May He who does not run away Protect you. May He who is the Protector Himself Protect you. O Gods! May this Man continue to reside in this World.

I have revived you. I have brought you back. You have returned as good as new. You are complete in limb and body. I have got you back your Lifespan, your tenure (residence) on the Earth. I have cured your illness.”


This Hymn is about the Mystical Goddess known as Virat, who is identified with the Creator. She arose and was transformed into Sacrificial Fire. She arose and transformed into parts in the Atmosphere. Gods say that Virat is source of Learning that keeps us all Alive. That is the reason
for praying to Her. Among other Suktas in the Kanda eight are Prayers to counteract illness.

This article is a snippet from the Book Essentials of Hinduism, Authored by G.S Nilakantan. Hinduism for All is available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition.

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