Essentials of Hinduism - Atharvana Veda Samhita - 3

Essentials of Hinduism

Atharvana Veda Samhita

Kanda 3 : 

This Kanda opens with Prayers to Agni and Indra to defeat the enemies. Next are Prayers to various Gods regarding Prayer for a Coronation – when you are crowned as a Lord for a Kingdom. Then there is another amulet like Jangida Mani discussed earlier – this is known as Parna Mani, wearing this Amulet may destroy the enemies through its Power. Next, there are Prayers to several Gods like Mitra, Soma, Aditya and so on for the unity of a Kingdom. 

Kanda 4:

The Knowledge of the Brahman:

The Brahman (the Divine Essence) first manifested itself in the East. Learned is the one who knows this. Learned is the one who sees the Sun, the Moon and the stars in the sky and realizes the difference between which is true and that which is untrue. May this Wisdom and Knowledge enable Man to lead a Superior Life. May this Wisdom be dedicated to the Brahman. May it be used to increase one’s Energy and to perform the purest of Sacrifices. One who thus befriends (take care of ) of the Brahman learns the true nature of the Gods. It is from the Brahman that all forms of Knowledge became manifest. It is from the Brahman that all forms of Energy have emanated. The Brahman determined the true rules according to which Heaven and Earth were established. Heaven and Earth were made fit for Habitation. It was the Brahman who made the Heaven, the Atmosphere (Antariksha) and the Earth vast and firm. Brihaspati (used as a synonym for the Brahman) is the lord of the Universe. From time immemorial (in the far distant past) he has enveloped the Universe in the four Directions. It is His Energy that gives rise to the pure radiance of the Day. It is from this Radiance that the learned glean the Wisdom needed to lead a Righteous Life.

The Learned know for sure the place where the Brahman resides. The Learned one is born at the same time as other men. But the door to true Wisdom is opened a little bit for the Learned One. It is through this opening that the One who is learned enters the World of Learning. 

Through Devotion to Brihaspati, Men obtain the Knowledge that the Brahaman is the Creator. The Brahman is Learned and Powerful. It can never be overcome. 

Who should be Worshipped?

Who is the God we should Worship? The One who is the source of Spiritual and other forms of Strength. The one whom all the Gods obey. The One who is the Lord of all bipeds (an Animal having two feet – Man) and Quadrupeds (four footed Animal). The One who is the Lord of all Beings who breathe and blink. He alone is worthy of Worship. The One to whom the two armies Pray at the time of battle. The One to whom the Heaven and Earth call in times of danger. The One whose Energy makes Heaven, the Atmosphere and the Earth Vast. The One whose Power makes the Sun Shine. The One whose Greatness Creates Land in the midst of Oceans. The One whose arms are like the four Directions. The One who was the Lord of all the elements before Creation. The one who bore Heaven and Earth. The Creator who instilled the Life Force in the Water at the time of Creation. He is the One who alone is worthy of Worship! 

Praying for purging the poison:

This Hymn (not provided) is specifically for the poison that has entered the Body from a poison-tipped-arrow. Then there is a subsequent Prayer for neutralizing the poison from poisonous Plants. A paste made from the Herb named Varana nullifies all poison. 

Then there are more Prayers in this Kanda four to banish enemies, increase one’s strength, cure insomnia and purge sins.

Kanda 5:

Prayer for Victory:

This is a Prayer to many Gods for victory in battle.

The Herb Kushtha:

Kushtha is a medicinal plant grown on the Mountains. The Himalayas are the regions where Herbs are to be found. It is there that the bird Garuda makes the Home. People spend a lot of money to collect Herbs from the Himalayas. The Gods obtained the Kushtha Plant in the Heaven. The roads there are made of gold and the oars are also made of gold. It was on these golden boats that the Kushtha Plant was brought.

“O Kushtha Plant! Make this patient sit up. Make him healthy and remove his ailment. You cure diseases of the head and the eyes. You purge the Body of bad blood and increase one’s Strength. You have the power of healing.”


The Shilachi is a Medicinal Plant, chiefly to repair the fractures. It is subsequently referred to as the Arundhati. The Plant was ascribed with such magical powers that it was believed to have had a Celestial Origin. “O Shilachi! He who drinks your juice lives. You are the one who protects Men. You are the one who nourishes and cures. Whatever be the nature of the wound, you are the one who heals. Make this patient Healthy. Come to me. 

There are other Suktas of Kanda five to increase Spiritual Strength, purge snake-poison, cure fever and to seek Long Life.”

This article is a snippet from the Book Essentials of Hinduism, Authored by G.S Nilakantan. Hinduism for All is available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition.

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