Essentials of Hinduism - Atharvana Veda Samhita 2

Essentials of Hinduism

Atharvana Veda Samhita

Kanda 2

The Supreme Godhead – Paramatma:

The entire Universe is merged in the identity of the Supreme Godhead. But the Supreme Godhead can be visualized only in the innermost recesses (cavities) of the Heart and it is there that a True Devotee sees him. It is the Supreme Godhead who gave birth to all objects. Men who observe Religious Rites know of this manifestation of the Supreme Godhead, and Praise Him. 

He is in the innermost recesses of the Heart; It is only the Truly Learned who can describe the nature of the Supreme Godhead. He is the Omniscient (Knows Everything), one who knows all the Worlds that constitute the Universe. It is He who gave all the Gods their names. It is into the Paramatma (the Divine Soul) that the entire Universe merges. The Paramatma alone is the Truth.

I worship Him. As speech originates with the Speaker, so the Universe originates with the Paramatma. He is the Preserver and the Nourisher.

The God are the drinkers of Amrita. Yet, they too seek refuge with the Supreme Godhead. The Paramatma alone is the Truth. The Creator’s three feet are in the innermost recesses of the Heart and one who realizes this is Learned – the Creator’s three feet refer to His three acts of Creation, Preservation and the Destruction.

The Paramatma alone is the Lord of the Universe. He is the One who nurtures the World. “O Divine God! I merge into you through my Prayers. I bow down in Obeisance before You. You are the One who removes all impediments. The presence of the Paramatma can be detected in the pure life force. He is in the atmospheres and He descends into our midst. This is the Sacred Wisdom that has been imparted to me.

You will see Paramatma in the radiance of the Stars (Nakshattira) and in the strokes of Lightning during a Monsoon. He is the Creator. I worship Him. O Goddesses who rule over the Life Force! I Worship You because You are the Supreme Godhead’s manifestations. You inspire us, remove our woes (sadness), satisfy our desires and rule over our Minds. I Worship You as the manifestations of the Paramatma.

Prayer for healing: The Herbs grew in the Mountain. O beloved Herb! I can prepare countless medicines from You. They will perform the act of healing. The Physicians digs up the Herbs. From those he makes medicines that cure the wounds. May the Water and the Herbs ensure our Welfare.”

Jangida Mani:

For the sake of a Long Life and for the sake of Happiness, wear an amulet or good-luck- charm ornament (Mani) made of Jangida. It increases the strength of the person wearing it and will dry up all types of ill-health. The Jangida was a Plant that was cultivated so that ornaments could be made out of it. The Jangida Mani is blessed with a thousand powers. It protects the wearer from infantile (childish) disorders. It protects the wearer from dehydration and from the defects in the eyes. It prevents digestive disorders. In it is the essence of all medicines. It protects from all evils. The Learned have told us of the virtues of the Jangida Mani. This amulet protects us from disease. The Jangida Plant is grown in the fields. It is used as a general expression from all Herbs and Plants that were cultivated.


“O brave Indra! The intelligent ones have extracted the sweet soma juice for You. This is the juice that grants Divine Bliss. Indra is the one who churned (shook) the power of his foes. Fortified (strengthened) by the some juice, Indra vanquished (defeated) the enemies. O Indra! You are the Ruler. Come to us in your Wisdom and listen to our Prayers. Accept our Obeisance (Submission).”


“O Agni! The Sages are the Ones who follow the Righteous Path. May they light your flames every month, every Season and every year. May your flames rise in their Divine Radiance. Bring Radiance to all the four directions. O Agni! You have been Lit according to the Prescribed Rites. 

Blaze forth. May you bring us riches and may your Devotees be preserved. May the Brahmanas (Priests) who Worship you attain fame. These Brahmanas acknowledge Your Superiority. Bring us Your Blessings. You are the one who enables us to rise above our vanities (without value). This is your Household. Come and reside here. O Agni! Blaze forth in all Your Energy. Be seated in our midst. Enable us to triumph over hatred and enmity. May we not be violent and may we not fall prey to temptation. The fact of your presence here is like Wealth to us. 

There are many more Prayers in Kanda two – Prayers for curing specific diseases, Prayers for enhancing one’s Mental and Spiritual Strength, Prayers for ensuring Victory and Prosperity. There are other Prayers that are chanted on the occasion of weddings.”

This article is a snippet from the Book Essentials of Hinduism, Authored by G.S Nilakantan. Hinduism for All is available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition.

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