Vedic Wisdom - On principles of Religion

Vedic Wisdom

On principles of Religion

Religion per se is applied cosmic wisdom .The way it is applied is through the system of rituals – a set of practices. Each religion on the basis of its philosophy has structured their practices. Therefore it is necessary to look at their philosophies as well.

We see in many religions – like Christianity, Islam, Buddhism etc., veneration of Gods, rituals , codification of good deeds, evil deeds , imbibing of good qualities etc., etc., But most of them have regimented one way or the other in respect of the following aspects:

Whether God is there or not: Buddhism denies God.

Whether he has to be worshipped in a form or as formless: Christianity says to worship in form. Islam abhors Idol worship.

Idol worship : Christianity says Idol worship shall be only as Jesus , Mary or The holy cross and nothing else

Prayers: The above religions have codified – in fact regimented -when to pray and how to pray

Method of God realization: Through renunciation and celibacy only.

Karma and Rebirth: Buddhism agrees with this but Christianity and Islam denies this. But the Vedic wisdom approaches this aspect completely differently as under:

Vedas confirms a fundamental source creator in the form of an axiom or energy field or an eternal order.

But there is no name and form .The names are given by us only for our understanding and comprehension.

You are free to call ‘it’ as an energy field or as a person as ‘God’. It is up to you. You are free to deny it also.

If you believe in it , then you can worship him as formless – nirguna or with form – saguna 

If you want to worship in form - you can choose any form that will suit your mind. Vedas have only elaborated the various laws and energy fields . So you can choose whatever your mind feels comfortable with.

Here again Vedas have suggested a name and form on scientific basis but you are free to give any name or form which your mind gets motivated with.

Vedas have also suggested prayer methods – nothing is compulsory – you may decide not to pray at all or pray in your own way even after believing in God.

But Vedas have said that a universal fundamental, non violable law is in operation and that can’t be breached.

Vedas have made known those laws and has declared that as long as you comply with that you are a free man; you are free even to deny him.

From the above we can see the Vedic wisdom has given a free hand to every person and that is how the concept of personal God has come. This is one of the most important aspects of Vedas where the God is as you like – complete freedom; no enforcement; no regimentation. This is the height of the understanding of the human psyche which even modern scientists are astounded.

The other important aspect Vedas have mentioned and suggested is about many rituals, but making it very clear they are only scaffoldings and therefore you are not under any obligation to undertake it. That is why we have different schools of the Vedic systems – the believers, non believers, ritualists, philosophers- all simultaneously co existing with equal respect. 

This concept of complete freedom in practicing one’s religion is exclusive to the Vedic system and no other religion has even thought about this. 

That is why Vedic system is not called a religion but a ‘dharma’ way of living – sanatana Dharma – eternal universal order. As Vivekananda says this freedom, which is the most fundamental freedom for anybody which only the Vedic system gives, is the main reason for the people of India to have been inherently tuned to be independent. That is why despite being so varied in language and culture Bharata varsha has always preferred to be a republic.

This article is a snippet from the Book Vedic Wisdom, Authored by Pandit Sri Rama Sharma. Vedic Wisdom is available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition.

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