Vedic Wisdom - The Theory Of Eternal Bliss

Vedic Wisdom

The Theory Of Eternal Bliss

His theory of “ ETERNAL BLISS” - ‘ the everlasting and unadulterated happiness’- consists of ‘the realizd wisdom of - the God head, Creation, it’s purpose; the papas, punyas, karmic bondages; redemption; rebirth and the core of it all -the eternal bliss.

It comprises of (i) the science of Vedas - the theory of the supreme God head, his objectives etc., - and (ii) the applied science of Vedas viz., (a) how to live blissfully – ‘the theory of path to eternal bliss’ and (b) how to get redeemed -‘the theory divine remedies’ . This theory which he placed before the God Almighty for his divine approval was very comprehensive, simple, effective and completely scientific.

Nature of the God head and the universe

The Supreme power-the God head-by whatever name you call- is real. He is the supreme will, the supreme intelligence, the supreme bliss, the supreme consciousness, the supreme mind and the supreme matter. This is what we call as “Brahman”

 The World created by him is real and not imaginary.

 Human experiences are also real and not dreams.

 It is only the “thoughts” that makes the world and the life.

 Therefore while there is ‘one universe’ there can be ‘billions of world’ because each mind has its own world and lives in it. 

 God is transcendent as well as immanent.

What is in macrocosm is in microcosm as well (i.e., what is in universe is in every being as well).

Therefore if you want to feel and realize the macrocosm, you need to just feel and realize the microcosm. Therefore the God is not far away. He is the closest to you and you can surely feel him if you wish to.

The supreme power has three facets –Omnipresence, Omniscience and Omnipotence.

There has been an involution of that power (the spirit) in to the matter. The matter is, again, made of God; made by God; and made from God; for the purposes of creation.

Then the spirit and the matter together had evolved over a period of time through a logical and methodical process.

The evolution is still on and will not stop until the objective of the God is achieved. 

The Objective of this Grand Creation.

The objective of the God-the supreme power, who is without any name and form (the Nirguna Brahman)- is- to see him with a name and form (as the Saguna Brahman) .

That is why this entire process of creation was started and it will continue till that is achieved. Therefore this creation is not any play (Leela) or illusion (maya). It is real (satya) and orderly (rta) We are all a part of that great process.

Every being therefore has the God particle residing in him and is expected to play his role and carry forward the God’s vision for which he has been sent here.

Cosmic Laws 

Everything happens in his kingdom -out of his desire “ishta”- in an orderly manner -‘rta’ - and without fail - ‘satya’; and there is no place for chaos-’astavyastata’.

The God has set up a perfect system for creation, maintenance and disintegration.

Pralaya- the annihilation happens only when the progress is not proceeding in the right direction towards the said goal. 

It also happens for periodical flushing out the accumulated and unwanted dirt and dust.

Extinction of particular specie happens when it ceases to be fit to survive or that specie has ceased to contribute anything to the process of evolution or its potential for further evolution is saturated. 

Toward this journey, he has made eternal cosmic laws so that he can maintain an order. These are non violable, immutable and unchangeable.

In order that people know what these laws are he has revealed them through Vedas to the ardent seekers.

This article is a snippet from the Book Vedic Wisdom, Authored by Pandit Sri Rama Sharma. Vedic Wisdom is available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition.

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