Essentials of Hinduism - Bhagavad Gita - Meditation

Essentials of Hinduism

Bhagavad Gita

Chapter 6 - Meditation

This Chapter promises to give us all the means by which we can give up our known weaknesses and grow positively into a healthier and more potent Life of virtue and strength. This technique is the Meditation, in one form or the other, is advocated and advised in all the religions, by all prophets, at all times, in the history of man.

Stanza 5:

Let a man lift himself by his own Self, as well as, let him not lower himself; because, this Self alone is the friend of oneself, and this Self is the enemy of oneself too. Lord Krishna roared to Arjuna on the battlefield at a serious moment of His life’s fulfillment as an AVATARA – Man, if he wants to exalt himself into the greater spiritual possibilities now lying dormant in him, he has to raise the lower in himself to the greater perfection. The gulf between the IDEAL ME and the ACTUAL ME is the measure of man’s fall from his perfection.

If we carefully watch ourselves, we can discover we have a clear concept of a morally strong, ethically perfect, disciplined man “we should be”; however, we are tantalized by our own attachments, likes and dislikes, as well as, loves and hatred. The Bhagavan has shown an exhaustive treatment called introspection. Do not allow the Self to fall down and dragged down again to the old level of cheaper way of existence.

Stanza 10:

A Yogi should SIT IN SOLITUDE at a corner in his home and try to withdraw himself from his mental and physical preoccupations for the purpose of MEDITATION. His Body and Mind should be controlled, free from hope (endless plans for possessing more) and greed. 

Stanza 11:

He should sit in a clean spot, on a firm seat, not too high or low, made of a cloth or skin. He should sit steady. Physical movement immensely contributes to the shattering of mental concentration and inner poise.

Stanza 12:

He should make the Mind single-pointed. Through steady and regular Meditation, the Sastra promises inner purification. Agitations in the mind are its impurities. 

Stanza 16:

The Yoga of Meditation is not possible for the one who eats too much nor who does not eat at all; for one who sleeps too much or for one who is always awake. He should practice moderation in indulgence and activities.

Stanzas 24, 25:

The subtle art of Meditation: renounce all desires fully by the mind by controlling all sense organs; quietening the Mind; fix the Mind entirely on one idea, in the steady contemplation of the Self; now being undisturbed by any thought wave, maintain inner silence and come to live it more and more deeply.

Stanza 35:

The Blessed Lord said: the Mind is difficult to control and is restless; but by practice it can be restrained. Practice (Abhyasa) strengthens renunciation (Sanyasa), and which in turn deepens Meditation.

Stanza 40:

Lord Krishna assures: One who acts rightly in the present, can come to no grief in the future. The present is a product of the past, and thought by thought, action by action, Knowledge by Knowledge, we are creating for ourselves in the present the blue print of our future. Krishna is assuring Arjuna that one who is striving in the direction of evolution shall never come to suffer any REAL fall.

Stanzas 42, 43:

Those who pursue Selfless Upasanas gain more and more inner integration, and as a result of it, become dynamic Minds capable of the highest Meditation. He must be given a chance to fulfill himself (not in Heaven which is a plane for enjoyment), such a Jivatma as soon as it leaves one embodiment immediately comes to manifest itself in a conducive atmosphere to strive more diligently and achieve the highest. He will be born only in a family of wise-men of Meditation. No fear – He need not start all over again; HE GETS NATURALLY UNITED WITH THE INTELLIGENCE ACQUIRED IN HIS FORMER BODY. It will just be a rediscovery of the digested Knowledge that was already lying dormant in him. Not only this, he easily finds in himself the required enthusiasm and energy for a consistent self-application and vigorous pursuit. KRISHNA

Stanza 45:

The Yogi who strives with assiduity (assesses critically), purified from sins and perfected gradually through many births, HE THEN ATTAINS THE HIGHEST GOAL. The Mind impurities (sins) are removed and the existing ulcers healed through selfless actions. After having Purified his Mind, the Aspirant should Practice Meditation. In the depths of his depths, a state of Mind is thus rendered Vasana-less (without impressions) – this is the end of the Mind, the Ego also has ended and he has reached the highest goal or gained Self-rediscovery. Such a man is a perfect man, standing in front of the DOORS OF TRUTH, demanding as a God-man his admission into the SANCTUM SANCTORUM. This is a good location to state that the people who qualify for VAIKUNDA are known as Nitya Suris.

This is the end of YOGA OF MEDITATION.

This article is a snippet from the Book Essentials of Hinduism, Authored by G.S Nilakantan. Hinduism for All is available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition.

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