Essentials of Hinduism - Bhagavad Gita - Ending Action In Knowledge

Essentials of Hinduism

Bhagavad Gita

Chapter 4 - Ending Action In Knowledge

According to Sankara, Jnyana Yoga alone (the Path of Knowledge alone) forms the subject of Lord’s Teachings throughout the Gita. He is putting on for the first time, his full Divine apparel of Omnipotence (having unlimited authority) and Omniscience (having infinite awareness or understanding) and the Aura of Paramatma.

Stanza 5:

Every individual comes to the World only as a result of his evolutionary progress – it is only after a long chain of existence in different forms that it has at last reached its present destination. In each Life, as soon as the ego (self) expresses itself in its given field of activity, it forgets the entire past and carries with it only its Vasanas. Lord Krishna understand that every individual has been through many existences and He tells Arjuna, “I KNOW THEM ALL BUT YOU KNOW THEM NOT”.

Stanza 7:

Whenever there is a decline of Dharma, I create for Myself a body.

Stanza 8:

For the protection of the good, for the destruction of the wicked and for the establishment of righteousness, I am born in every age.

Stanza 10:

All Spiritual Paths are but attempts to Purify the Mind. Whatever be the Path pursued, the ultimate experience of Spiritual Perfection gained by everyone of them at the moment of illumination is one and the same.

Stanza 17:

Constructive activities which contribute towards the evolution of the individual are termed as Karma. Destructive or forbidden activities are condemned by the Sastras and are known as Vi- karma. Lord Krishna totally rejects inactivity known as A-Karma.

Stanza 24:

This stanza is a Prayer to be said by the Hindus before they eat their meals. At the moment just before we enjoy eating the meals, we are not to forget the great Truth that it is Brahman eating the Brahman, and, we are offering the food that is Brahman invoking nothing but the grace of Brahman. This Stanza is another way to clarify the statement in Vedanta, “Sat Ekam” or “Paramatma is One”.

Stanza 28:

The daily study of the Scriptures is insisted upon as an essential training during the Seeker’s early days. Even after Self-Realization, we find that the Sages spend all their spare time reading and contemplating upon the details and suggestions in the scriptures.

Stanza 30:

Through systematic regulation of their diet, some gain a complete mastery over themselves and their appetites and passions. Through regulated dieting, a man’s character and behavior can be purified and raised.

Stanza 36:

Even if you are the most sinful of all sinners, yet you shall cross all sins by the raft of Knowledge.

Stanza 39:

The Man who is full of faith, who is devoted to it, and who has subdued the senses, obtains this Knowledge and having obtained Knowledge, he obtains Supreme Peace. Faith, devotion and self-control are three imperative necessitities to evolve to the diviner stature. This is the end of the YOGA OF RENUNCIATION OF ACTION IN KNOWLEDGE.

This article is a snippet from the Book Essentials of Hinduism, Authored by G.S Nilakantan. Hinduism for All is available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition.

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