Essentials of Hinduism - Bhagavad Gita - Divine And Devilish Estates

Essentials of Hinduism

Bhagavad Gita

Chapter 15 - Divine And Devilish Estates

In this Chapter, the entire Mankind, of all times and of all ages, has been classified under three types: (a) the Divinely Good (Devas); (b) the Diabolically (Devilish) fallen (Asuras); (c) the Incorrigibly (hopelessly) Indifferent (Rakshasas). This Chapter will reveal how exhaustively the Rishis had pointed out the mental contents of the good as compared with those of the bad. The observations are made in the Physical, Mental and Intellectual behaviors for the Knower who goes through a Disciplined Field and Undisciplined goes through an Undisciplined Field of experience.

Stanzas 1, 2, 3:

DIVINE-ESTATE: Here we enumerate (itemize) twenty-six VALUES of life that Lord Krishna has stated in His Divine discourse in Stanzas 1,2,3 Summarized together here (the Sanskrit Slokas are not included) to describe the nature of a Man of “Divine Estate”: Stanza 1- (1) Fearlessness – where there is Knowledge (Jnyana Yoga), there is fearlessness; (2) Purity of Heart – implies honesty of intentions; (3) Steadfastness in devotion to Knowledge – by being devoted to Knowledge, the Mind will leave all its low temptations; (4) Charity (Dana), (5) Restraint of the senses; (6) Sacrifice (Yajna) – in the Vedic period, Yajna was a day-to-day devotional ritual; (7) Study of the Scriptures – should be followed with practice in life; (8) Tapas; (9) Uprightness (honesty); Stanza 2 - (10) Harmlessness (Ahimsa); (11) Truth (Satya); (12) Even Temper; (13) Renunciation; (14) Quietude (staying calm); (15) Unmalicious (Unmannerly) Tongue; (16) Tenderness towards beings; (17) Non-Covetousness (controlling sense-organs from extreme indulgence); (18) Gentleness; (19) Modesty; (20) Not unnecessarily moving the limbs (avoiding unnecessary physical movement); Stanza 3 - (21) Brilliant Glow (Tejas) – not a physical Glow but this is a Glow of Spirituality that radiates from the person; (22) Patience; (23) Fortitude (courage); (24) Purity – Purity and cleanliness are unavoidable disciplines for a Seeker; (25) Non-hatred; (26) Absence of over-pride.

Stanza 4:

DEMONIAC-STATE (Asuric) : The dark features of ugly personality is listed here briefly – (1) Ostentation (pretend to be righteous but living unrighteous ways of life); (2) Arrogance; (3) Anger.

Stanza 5:

After knowing all the qualities of a good and bad hearts, a sincere student of Gita may despair (lose hope) not knowing whether he himself may belong to the former or latter category. The Lord clarifies: a Seeker has the necessary interest and perseverance to read the Gita upto this Chapter itself shows that he belongs to the DIVINELY GOOD CATEGORY. HE CONTINUES: GRIEVE NOT (MA SUCHAH)!

Stanza 21:

These three are the gates of hell, destructive of the Self – LUST, ANGER AND GREED. Therefore, one should abandon these three!

Stanza 23:

He who, having cast aside the ordinance of the Scriptures (Sastras), acts under the impulse of desire, attains neither Perfection, nor Happiness nor the Supreme Goal!

Stanza 24:

Therefore, let the Scriptures (Sastras) be your authority, in determining what ought to be done and what ought not to be done. Having known what is said in the commandments of the Scriptures, you should act here (in this World).


This article is a snippet from the Book Essentials of Hinduism, Authored by G.S Nilakantan. Hinduism for All is available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition.

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