Essentials of Hinduism - Vedangas

Essentials of Hinduism



Next comes Vyakarana or the Science of Grammar. It deals with the correct usage of Vedic words and contains exhaustive rules of Grammar. Patanjali has written the commentary on sutras of Panini- Vyakarana which is known as the Mahabhashya.


Next comes the Vedic Limb called Nirukta. This Science explains the Etymology (derivation of the words from the roots) of the words contained in the Vedic Mantras as they have a good deal to do with their Practical Application. It is said Nirukta Knowledge is essential for the understanding of the Vedas.


The Science that deals with the Prosody (meters, i.e., the combination of number of letters used in every foot of vedic verses) of the Vedic Mantras is called Chandas Sastra. It deals with the Vedic Meters (measurement details).


Jyotisha is meant both as the Sciences of Astronomy and Astrology. The Sun God is supposed to be the original Author of this Science. The need for Jyotisha arose by reason of the fact that Vedic Karmas had to be performed at certain periods and considering seasons of the Year, New Moon Days, Full Moon Days etc.

Jyotisha is an extremely popular Science throughout India. Its Application Examples are: to forecast all aspects of the Future Life of an individual from the Person’s Horoscope, to determine the agreement of an would-be Bride and Bridegroom, to determine Auspicious Time to perform important tasks etc. The Jyotisha Chapter is treated with some more details than the other parts of Vedangas.

Jyotisha is also referred to as Vedic Astrology. Vedic Astrology has been practiced and refined for over a thousand years. Astrology is used to prepare a Birth Chart or Horoscope and to predict the future for the owner of that Horoscope. Astrology Forecast is very popular in India and quite a large number of people Trust the Forecasts. It is widely used to match the Horoscopes of Prospective Bride and Groom to see if the Future Marriage will be compatible.The Horoscopes prepared in North India and South India look different. Throughout India, a number of people Learn and in fact Practice Astrology for their Livelihood.

The Horoscope is a Chart that shows the supporting facts pertaining to the position of Planets at the time of Birth. Gochara is the Study of Horoscope by looking into Today’s Planetary Positions. There are several very precise steps that need to be followed in preparing and offering interpretations of Horoscopes prepared in this Tradition. If these steps are performed as prescribed, the result is a Birth Chart that can form a useful basis for interpretation. Interpretation can provide us a Person’s Basic Character, and some of the forces at play in influencing a Person at different periods in His or Her Life. Realize that only the very basics of Vedic Astrology is discussed. Also, if you are good with the Math, you will love Astrology. If not, you may have difficulty understanding the calculations involved.


The following are the essentials to Learn about a Horoscope:

1) Refer to any Panchanga and find out that there are 27 Nakshatras, starting from Asvani to the last one Revathi.

2) A Person’s Horoscope will consist of 2 Sets of Squares, displayed next to each other. The Left one or the Principal one is called the “Rasi” Square Set and the Right one is called the “Amsa” Square Set. Both Sets have 12 Squares as displayed in the Picture. (Note: Only Rasi squares of Rama and Anjaneya are displayed.)

3) Each Square represents a “Rasi” again on either of the Sets. These 12 Rasi Houses in either Square Sets are: Mesha, Rishaba, Mithuna, Kataka, Simha, Kanni, Thula, Vrichika, Dhanus, Makara, Kumba and Meena.

4) The House occupied by the Moon is called the Rasi of the Horoscope. If the Moon is in the House of say “Kumba”, then the Person is said to be born in the “Kumba Rasi”. The same Statement applies to the Moon occupying other eleven Houses.

5) Lagna is the time at which the child is born. Time the Child is born and Sunrise on that Day are required to calculate the position of Lagna and all the Planets to cast the Horoscope. 

6) Lagna is the first House of the Horoscope and the other Houses are numbered 2 to 12 in the Clockwise Direction.

7) The 12 Houses are occupied by the 27 Nakshatras, starting from the first House or Mesha Rasi. Each Nakshatra has 4 Padhas. Therefore, by calculations, it can be determined that each of the 12 Houses will be occupied by 2 1⁄4 Nakshattiras.

8) Total number of Dasas = 9; Total number of Nakshattiras = 27.

Therefore, People born in 3 of the following Stars will have the following Dasas at Birth:

Surya (6 years)                       = Kruthaka, Uthra, Uthrada
Chandra (10 years)                 = Rohini, Hastha, Thiruvona
Guja Angaraka (7 years)        = Mrigashirsha, Chithira, Avitta
Rahu (18 years)                      = Thiruvadhira, Swathi, Sadhaya
Guru (16 years)                      = Punarpoosa, Visaka, Poorattadhi
Sani (19 years)                       = Poosa, Anusha, Uthirattadhi
Budha (17 years)                    = Ayilya, Kettai, Revathi
Kethu (7 years)                      = Aswathi, Maka, Moola
Sukra (20 years)                     = Barani, Poora, Poorada 
Total 9 Dasas                          = 120 years.

9) From the Dasa a Person is born, go down this list to determine the other Dasas in the Person’s Horoscope. One has to live up to 120 years to experience all the Dasas in His/ Her Life.

10) Example for Amsa squares

Aswini = Mesha = 1st Pada
Aswini = Rishabha = 2nd Pada
Aswini = Mithuna = 3rd Pada
Aswini = Kataka = 4th Pada
and so on for other Nakshatras

1) Some details pertaining to each House:

1st House (Lagna)      = Pesonality; Character
2nd House                  = Speech, House, Wealth, Family Life
3 rd House                  = Brother/Sister relationship
4 th House                  = Mother, Comfort
5 th House                  = Children, Education, Past Life punya
6 th House                  = Health, Debts, Enemies
7 th House                  = Married Life
8 th House                  = Longevity
9 th House                  = Father, travel
10 th House                = Occupation, profession prospects
11 th House                = Gains and Success
12 th House                = Moksha or Future Birth(s)

12) Planetary influences:

When a planet is in an exalted Rasi, there is full influence. Planets influence by their aspects too. The following planets have special aspects:

Mars – influences the 4 th , 7 th and 8 th house from where it is positioned.
Guru – influences the 5 th , 7 th and 9 th house from where it is positioned.
Sani – influences the 3 rd , 7 th and 10 th house from where it is positioned.
Other planets influences    7 th house from where it is positioned, except Rahu, Ketu.

13) Kala Sarpa Dosha - Rahu is considered as the Snake Face & Ketu is considered the Snake Tail. If all planets in the Horoscope fall between Rahu and Ketu, counting in the Counter-Clockwise Direction, then this configuration is not considered favorable for the Person.

14) Vargothama – For examples: A Same planet (say Budha) present in the Same Rasi (say Mithuna Rasi) of the Horoscope’s Rasi and Amsa will have powerful effect.

15) Guru movement from one Rasi to the next Rasi – this comes every year for Everyone.

16) Sani movement from one Rasi to the next Rasi – this comes every 2 1⁄2 years for Everyone.

Fig. 1 : Lord Sri Rama’s Horoscope                                           Fig. 2 : Sri Anjaneyaa’s Horoscope
          Punarvasu Nakshatra                                                                          Moola Nakshatra

Lord Sri Rama’s Horoscope:

a) Sri Rama’s Nakshatra is Punarvasu.

b) Sri Rama was born in Kataka Lagna; Kataka Rasi.

c) The 5 Planets Guru (1 st House), Sani (4 th House), Chevvai (7 th House), Sukra (9 th House), Surya (10 th House) are all placed in the Houses where these Planets are Exalted. This is an Exceptional Horoscope.

Sri Anjaneya’s Horoscope:

a) Sri Anjaneya’s Nakshatra is Moola.

b) Sri Anjaneya was born in Mesha Lagna; Dhanus Rasi.

c) Planet Budha is in Exalted Position;

d) 5 th house Guru makes him a Person involved in Deep Meditation on (Sri Rama).

e) Budha’s influence in 5 th house makes Him Extremely Brilliant.

f) All the planetary positions in Sri Anjaneya’s Horoscope makes Him perform most adventurous tasks, Practice Detachments, and being a Brahmachari all through His Life.

Example: Dasa, Bhukthi calculations for Mr. X Horoscope:

Bhukthi are Subperiods under a Dasa and Antharas are Subperiods under a Bhukthi. Bhukthi calculation for say Rahu dasa – Guru Bhukthi

Guru Bhukthi Calculation:

Rahu Dasa = 18 years

Guru Dasa = 16 years

Guru Bukthi = 18 x 16 = 288

Place a decimal point after first digit from the right
= 28.8 Months = 2 Years - 4 Months - .8x30 =24 days.
(common for all bhukti calculation)

All other Bhukthi Time Periods are calculated this way.


The last in the order of Vedangas is the Kalpa. The need for this arose because the followers of the different branches of the Vedas had to perform Vedic Rites in a slightly different manner. Therefore, the Kalpa Sutras were developed to explain the subtle difference between each Vedic Rite of each branch of Veda.

This article is a snippet from the Book Essentials of Hinduism, Authored by G.S Nilakantan. Hinduism for All is available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition.

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