Essentials of Hinduism - Conclusion Of Atharvana Veda Samhita

Essentials of Hinduism

Conclusion Of Atharvana Veda Samhita

With the end of Kanda 20, we also come to the end of Atharvana Veda Samhita. There are many parts that are skipped. What was given is a limited sampling of what there is in the Atharvana Veda. There are alternative interpretations possible. The Atharvana Veda is not straight forward and so the interpretations provided may be different for different Authors. However, if what was provided has stimulated your interest, this is reason enough for you to read the entire Atharvana Veda in the Original.



The Brahman (Supreme Being) Created Brahma, the Creator seated on the Lotus; having been Created, Brahma began to think, “By which single syllable may I be able to enjoy all the desires, all the Worlds, all the Gods, all the Vedas, all the Sacrifices, all the sounds, all the rewards, all the Beings, stationary and moving.” He Practiced Self Control and said OM, of two syllables, the All-Pervading, Omnipresent, the Eternally Potent Brahman, the Brahman’s Own Syllable, of which the Presiding Divinity is Brahman itself.

The Brahmana, who, desiring whatever he wants, fasts, sits on the grass facing East and keeps under control his tongue and repeats this imperishable OM, for him all objects are Realized and all Acts are successful.


Varuna – The Superintendent of the Moral Order – The Great Superintendent sees as if from nearby; whoever thinks he is going secretly, all that the Gods know. He who stands or moves, he who walks crookedly, he who moves hiding or desperately all that Varuna knows. This Earth is King Varuna’s as also this far flung (distant) Sky; the Seas are his belly at the same time he is hidden in the little Water. Even he who may cross the Sky will not escape King Varuna; from Heaven, his spies are patrolling this Earth; with a thousand eyes they scan (examine) the Earth. All that Varuna sees, that which is between the Heaven and Earth, and that which is beyond them.

Stambha – The Great Pillar – The Supreme Being is described here as the Great Pillar on which everything hangs and rests. Obeisance unto the Supreme Brahman of whom Earth is the foot stool, the Antariksha (Ether or Atmosphere) is the belly, and Heaven His head. 

The Earth – Great Truth, formidable moral order, vow, penance, Spiritual Knowledge and Sacrifice, all these, sustain the Earth. She has many heights, stretches and level grounds, who bears herbs of manifold (various) potency, may that Earth spread out and be rich for us. In whom are the Seas, Rivers, Waters, in whom grow Food and Crops, in which all these that breathes and moves has its activity, may that Earth be prosperous (flourish). The vast Earth, whom the Gods, without sleep or neglect, guard always, may She yield us sweet and desirable things and bestow splendor on us. O Earth! Purify us. Earth is my mother; I am the son of Earth; the Rains are my Father; let Him (the Lord of Rain) fill (the Earth) for us.

Peace – Peaceful be Earth, Peaceful Ether (Atmosphere), Peaceful Heaven, Peaceful Waters, Peaceful Herbs, Peaceful Trees; may All Gods bring me Peace; may there be Peace through these invocations of Peace; with these invocations of Peace which appease Everything, I render Peaceful whatever here is terrible, whatever here is cruel, whatever here is sinful; let it become Auspicious.

Important Rishis:– Some important Rishes associated with the Atharvana Veda are: Kanva; Badarayana; Visvamitra; Kasyapa; Kashiva; Purunita; Agastya; Jamadagni; Vamadeva. 

Ayur Veda: – Due to the previous Life’s Prarabda Karma, some are exposed to wide variety of diseases. The Ayur Veda recommends different methods to overcome such diseases – performing Danas (Charities), Mantra Japas, certain Sacrifices, Prayer to specific Devatas and so on.

Brahma oudana: – Brahmam means Jnyana. Cooked rice is Oudana. Both contribute to the growth of Jnyana for the Humans and so it is called Brahma Oudana. This is mixed with clean water, unadulterated milk and soma drink. Brahma Oudana contributes to Brahma Jnyana, Life Extension and Peaceful Family Life.

Seven Munis: – The Atharvana Veda states that seven Munis who live in the Upper World were involved during the Creation of the Universe and Tattvas pertaining to the Prana. 

The Greatness of Anna: – The cooked rice is known as Anna. There is a Sukta that describes the Greatness of Anna. This Sukta also explains how we should eat the Anna and uses the example of great Munis and Rishis. In fact, the Sukta goes one step beyond and warns how we should consume the Anna. The Sukta asks a Question – You consumed the Anna, or, the Anna consumed you? Such a Question makes us to think a little bit. The pleasure of eating comes by itself, or, the pleasure overtakes you? These questions may appear insignificant to us, but, makes us think somewhat.

A Person should think what are stated in the aforesaid paragraph. Does the Pleasure comes by itself? For this Pleasure, we strive Hard. How much of our Energy is consumed. Did we think of all this. How did the Veda raise these Questions? The Veda states we must think deeply and this will result in change in our Life. This Sukta answers the Question. 1) I did not consume the Anna and the Anna did not consume Me; 2) One is related to the other; 3) I did not consume more than my need; nor did I store beyond my needs and thereby deprive another Person’s need; I did not take what should have been given to another Person; 4) The Anna is consuming the Anna; Both are the same. The Enjoyer and the Enjoyed object are the same; 5) Brahmam is offered and Brahmam is the one that should be offered; 6) Due to the breath we give out after the eating Satisfacton, the Plants survive, and vice-versa.

The Eating is a simple process that happens everyday. The Atharvana Veda captures the depth involved in this routine process we go through everyday. Here we should attempt to understand what the Veda points out to us about this routine eating process that occurs Every Day: You are entitled to consume the Anna needed for your Survival. However, do not consume more than what you need. Probably, the Veda points to us that we should not Over-eat! In America, some Restaurants that offer Buffet Lunch have a Sign posted: Take All the Food you Want. But, Eat all the Food you Take. This means, Do not Waste the Food!

This article is a snippet from the Book Essentials of Hinduism, Authored by G.S Nilakantan. Hinduism for All is available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition.

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