Essentials of Hinduism - Chamaka

Essentials of Hinduism


Chamaka contains requests of all kinds from the Lord. Owing to the frequency of the word “Cha” occurring in its invocation, it is called Chamaka.

Now the meaning of the eleven Anuvakas of Chamaka in a condensed format 

In the Chamaka chanting, the worshipper prays and can obtain anything and everything that is imaginable – domestic, social, material and economic well being, personal power and character.

It is the Mantra prescribed for the final oblation (act of making an offering to God) in a rite or Sacrifice (Homa) in which clarified butter is poured into the fire in a continuous flow.

May there be for me in all their excellence, strength and stimulation, purity and inclination, thought and resolve, Hymn and Verse, fame and listening to advice, light and Heaven, breath and vitality, consciousness and learning, speech and mind, eye and ear, skill and strength, power and stamina, life and longevity, soul and body, happiness and security, limbs and bone, joints and parts.

May there be for me success and glory, truth and faith, land and wealth, attractiveness and brilliance and joy, all that has been and will be, prayer and meritorious act, past and future gain, way and path, prosperity achieved and to be achieved, plans previous and present, idea and scheme.

May these be to me in all their excellences – wealth and comfort, pleasure and desire, wish and satisfaction, safety and betterment, good life and fame, fortune and riches, controller and supporter, welfare and happiness, public esteem, knowledge and opinion, creative power and products thereof, obedience to moral order, freedom from disease and health, medicine and long life, freedom from fear, safe movement and rest, fine dawn and fine day.

May it all be for me in excellence, vigor and pleasing words, milk, butter, honey, dinner, agriculture and rains, land and produce, money and property, fullness and growth, influence and mastery, plenty and greater plenty, plenitude (plenty) and greater plenitude, food and freedom from hunger, corns and grains.

May rock and mud, rock and mountain, sand and trees, gold and steel, fire and water, creepers and herbs, fruits, consolidation and continuance of well-being, riches and house, action and capacity, purpose and realization, course of action and its progress, may these flourish for me through this Sacrifice (Homa).

This article is a snippet from the Book Essentials of Hinduism, Authored by G.S Nilakantan. Hinduism for All is available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition.

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