Essentials of Hinduism - Atharvana Veda Samhita - 8

Essentials of Hinduism

Atharvana Veda Samhita



All living beings that are born must eventually die. They are born on Earth and spend a short time here. After they die, they go to Yama’s abode. It is for this reason that we offer Oblations to Yama. It is impossible to avoid the Path that leads to Yama’s abode. He who is born must surely die. We offer Oblations to our Ancestors so that they may protect us. May they free us from all fear and disease. May the Ancestors come to the Sacrifice. May they pardon any crimes that we may have committed against our fellow Men. Our Ancestors have earlier traversed the Path to Yama’a Abode. Those who are alive will also travel along that Path. May they be happy in Yama’s Abode.

The Ancestors determine the place where the funeral Rites for a dead person are to be performed. The breath of Life has left the dead person’s Body. He no longer knows the difference between Night and Day. The Ancestors have determined the cremation ground where the dead Body has to be cremated. They have also set aside a place for the dead person in the Yama’s Abode.

As long as Water is in the dead body, the Atma does not leave it and go elsewhere. It hovers around the dead Body. When the dead body is burned by Fire, the Water disappears. The Atma is freed from the shackles of the dead Body to go and meet the Ancestors. When a Man is about to die, his Ancestors and Yama come down to the Earth. They wish to take the dead Person’s Atma to Heaven. The Atma can also travel to Yama’s Abode. That is a wonderful place and only those who are deserving can go there. In Yama’s Abode, there are several sections. A section is determined for the Atma depending on the Acts that were performed on Earth by the Person concerned.

It is Yama who, through his Powers, bears the Ancestors in the Atmosphere. Yama is the One who is familiar with the end that will eventually come. “O Men! Offer oblations to Yama so that He may be friend to you and grant you Long Lives. May the dead person’s Atma be Happy in Yama’s Abode. We offer sesami seeds so that the Path to Yama’s abode may be free of impediments.”


A Sacrifice:

“O Powers of the Sacrifice! Ensure that this Sacrifice may be a Success. O waters that flow! Ensure that this Sacrifice is protected. The words that I utter sing of the Glory of the Sacrifice. I offer the Oblations that will be a source of Happiness.

All the Devotees who are taking part in this Sacrifice will be protected no matter what their form or age. The four Directions will chant the Glory of this Sacrifice. I offer the Oblations that will be a source of Happiness.”


May that Water that flows down from the Snowclad Mountains, flows in the Rivers, swift flowing Streams, Water of the Monsoon bring you Happiness. 

May the Water of the Desert, that flows in this Kingdom, Water that is dug up out of the Ground, kept in pots bring You Happiness.

There are those who know how to use Water in the treatment of ailments. Such people are Learned and to them, Water is a source of Power.

There is water that showers down from the Sky, flows in the Streams, Water that guarantees our Welfare, banishes all our Ailments, increases our Happiness. May Water cure all your diseases. Let us acknowledge the Power of Water.


Agni is to be found in Heaven, in the Earth, and in the Atmosphere. Agni is also to be found in the Trees and Herbs. Agni is praised no matter what the source. May Agni Grace us by His presence.

“O Agni! It is your Glory that is found in the Water, the Forests, the Herbs and the Animals. Bring all this Energy together and come to us. May you all be with us and may you grant us the Riches.

You are famous among the Gods as a source of Happiness. Your presence can be detected in the Ancestors and in the Earth. O Agni! May your powers of sustenance be present among Men. Use your Powers to grant us the Riches.

It is worth Praying to one who has ears. It is worth Praying to one who is Learned and deserving of Respect. It is for these reasons that I am Praying to You. O Agni! Grant me the Words and Speech. Grant me Freedom from all fear. Pacify the anger of Gods.”

This article is a snippet from the Book Essentials of Hinduism, Authored by G.S Nilakantan. Hinduism for All is available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition.

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