Essentials of Hinduism - Suktas

Essentials of Hinduism



This is the most popular of all the Suktas that exist. This Sukta is mostly chanted in the Yajur Veda format. Purusha is the embodiment of the Universal Soul and is thus regarded as the origin of the Universe. The Sukta is composed in the anushtup and trishtup meters and is ascribed to the Sage Narayana. Purusha is the Supreme Godhead who has a thousand heads, a thousand eyes and a thousand feet. He surrounds the Earth from the four directions. One of His forms is merely ten fingers tall. But it pervades Creation. (One interpretation is that, Purusha or the Paramatma also has a manifestation in terms of the individual Soul or Atma. It is the Atma which has ten fingers in length). It is the Purusha who is the Past and the Future. It is the Purusha who is the Present. The Purusha flourishes through foodgrains. He is the Lord of immortality and of Divine Bliss. Immense is the Greatness of the Purusha. But there is a Purusha who is superior to him as well. All the elements that constitute the Universe are merely like one foot of the Purusha. Three of the footsteps provide immortality in Heaven. Three of the Purusha’s footsteps can be traced in Heaven. His form is divided into four quarters. One fourth of His form is born again and again on the Earth in the shape of living beings. He created the four directions – beings that live on foodgrains and beings that do not. (beings that live on foodgrains are the sentiment ones. The others are insentiment). It is from the Purusha that Virat was created. Above Virat, there is the greater Purusha. Virat was divided into various parts. First, the land and the Worlds were created. Physical bodies emerged later. (Virat is regarded as the female counterpart of the primeval Purusha).

The Gods offered oblations to Purusha and Virat. They performed a Sacrifice. The spring season was the clarified butter that was offered on the occasion of the Sacrifice. The Summer season was the kindling and the Autumn season was the oblation. Virat was the first to be created and deserved to be created and deserved to be worshipped. The Gods and the Sages saw Virat and Purusha and performed a Sacrifice in their honor. From the sacrifice were obtained the curds and clarified butter. The birds that fly in the Sky were created. The Animals that live in the forests where Vayu rules, also emerged. Domesticated Animals were created. From the Sacrifice emerged the Mantras of the Rig Veda, Saman Hymns, Various meters and the Mantras of the Atharvana Veda and the Mantras of the Yajur Veda as well. From that sacrifice were created Horses and Animals that have two tusks. Cows, goats and sheep emerged.

The Purusha who has been mentioned was described in all sorts of ways. What was His mouth like? Where were His two arms? Where were His thighs and where were His feet? Such questions are asked. From the mouth of the Purusha were born the learned Brahmanas. From His arms were born the Kshatriyas. From His thighs were born the Vaishyas and from His feet were born the Shudras. The Chandra (Moon) was created from the Mind of the Paramatma. His eyes became the Surya (Sun). Indra and Vayu were born from the mouth and Vayu was created from the breath of life. The Atmosphere was made from the Paramatma’s navel. His head became the Heaven and His feet the Earth. The directions were created from His ears. In this manner, other Worlds can be thought to have been created from the other parts of the Paramatma’s anatomy.


Sri Sukta is a part of the Pancha Suktas. The Pancha Suktas are the Purusha Sukta, Narayana/ Vishnu Suktas, Sri Sukta, Durga Sukta and Bhu Sukta. All these Suktas are part of the Krishna Yajur Veda. Sri Sukta alone is part of the Rig Veda. Sri Sukta is a Hymn for the Goddess of Beauty and Prosperity. She is Goddess Lakshmi, the wife of Lord Vishnu. Lakshmi resides in Vishnu’s heart. This is a popular Sukta recited during the performance of Yajna or even during the everyday Prayers to obtain prosperity and to prevent bad luck. Goddess Lakshmi is the Goddess of Fortune abiding in the Lotus. I seek Her as my refuge, in order to perish my misfortune. In order to obtain Goddess Lakshmi Devi’s grace, we need to drive alakshmi away, invite Her to our home with her associates, and also pray to Lord Agni. Alakshmi stands for our sins and mistakes. We need to drive away alakshmi through pursuit of education, dedication to work, raised consciousness and meditation. After these acts and purification, our hearts and homes become fit to Welcome Lakshmi Devi. Agni represents holy fire. He is the celestial Priest. Only He can bring the gods to us. Therefore, Sri Sukta Hymns are chanted in performing Homa to invoke Goddess Lakshmi’s Blessings.

19) Akphiri Sukta:

“O Agni! Until the Sacrifice (Yajna) is over, please stay in the Sacrifice. In order to pay homage to Pusha, Maruts, Visvadeva, Vayu, Indra chant the Svaha! Agni lives being supported by the Waters. Whatever you desire, learn by asking Agni, because, He travels Everywhere. He knows Everything. O Agni! Please protect us from everything. Agni destroys the trees with his flames. He shines in the forests. The flames even get enhanced by the Wind. Agni travels the three Worlds and shines them. He helps those who offer Sacrifice.”

20) Pavamana Sukta:

Pavamana Sukta of Rig Veda is an extremely popular Sukta of the Rig Veda. This occurs in the 9 th mandala of Rig Veda. The Deity mentioned in the Rig Veda itself is “Pavamana Soma”. Soma is the celestial substance, flow of which causes pure and uninterrupted Bliss. We will find many Hymns for “Pavamana Soma”. They are all clubbed together as “Pavamana Sukta. Two other issues have to be clarified here – (1) some people may seem to think that this is a prayer for Lord Hanuman. Because wind and fire purify (by moving away dirt or by burning it), two of the meanings of “Pavamana” are wind and fire. So some people may have guessed that these Hymns are for Lord Hanuman. Clarification is - this Rig Veda Pavamana Sukta are the Hymns for “Pavamana Soma”. (2) There is another “Pavamana Sukta” in the Yajur Veda. This Sukta Mantras chanted as a Punyahavachana in order to purify our Homes. This Sukta is for the purificatory aspect of that soma. Swami Dayananda Saraswati has clarified that these Hymns are for “Soumya Svabhav Paramatma,” that is, gentle natured Supreme Lord. Even a more correct interpretation would be that these Hymns are for the purificatory aspects of a Devotee’s awareness of the Divine. The Divine Bliss is very potent and purifies our consciousness further and that process is described in these Hymns.

This article is a snippet from the Book Essentials of Hinduism, Authored by G.S Nilakantan. Hinduism for All is available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition.

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