Essentials of Hinduism - Mimamsa

Essentials of Hinduism


Mimamsa is of two Kinds – one of them is known as Purva Mimamsa. The other one is the Uttara Mimamsa or Vedanta discussed in Chapter 30. Mimamsa is a part of Darshana-Sastra. Purva Mimamsa deals with the Karma Kanda of the Vedas. Its aphorisms (statements of truth) are composed by Jaimini and is considered as one of the important aspects of the Hindu Sastras. Mimamsa is a System related to the Path of Acts (Karmas) and has the Vedic origin. It deals with the Ritualistic Part and Text Interpretation of the Vedas.

Mimamsa – does Enquiries, Research and gives the meaning of the essential details of the Vedas. Mimamsa does enquiries on significances and intentions of the Veda mantras. The Karma Kanda stresses the importance of performing Yajna. Jaimini Maharishi prepared the Sutra for Purva Mimamsa. This Sutra has Divisions and Subdivisions. Each of these Subdivisions in the Purva Mimamsa does complete analysis of the Veda Vakyas.

Let us attempt to look at the Mimamsa task with an indepth investigation. Vedas are the Eternal Laws created by the Paramatma Vasudeva. We are the subjects and Paramatma is the King. He has established Indra (East), Agni (South East), Yama (South), Nirurutti (South West), Varuna (West), Vayu (North West), Soma or Kubera (North), Eesana (North East) as the Eight Ashta Dik Palakas and several devatas as the Leaders of the Universe consisting of the 14 Worlds. They have the responsibility to safeguard all the creation of Paramatma. The Vedas are the Laws (or Tools) provided by Paramatma to be used for carrying out this monumental safeguarding task by the Ashta Dik Palakas and each one of us have the responsibility to live our life prescribed by the Vedas. The Vedas describe the Dharma Anushtanas and the Veda Clarifications are done by the Mimamsa. Mimamsa Sastra takes a Veda Vakya, interprets possible multiple meanings, analyses Pros and Cons, meaning and eventually finalizes one Final Interpretation. Veda is our Law and Mimamsa Sastra is the Interpretor for this Law.

For better understanding, let us consider an Example. If we do not perform our Nitya Karma, then we will experience problems. We can explain this through the Mimamsa Sastra. We do not perform Sandhyavandana for benefits. It is a Nitya Karma and not an Optional Karma. Mimamsa states that if we do not perform Sandhyavandana, we will Experience Problems. Due to the fact that Every Act is a Karma, Mimamsa is considered as Karma Marga. 

Chapter Re-cap:

1) Mimamsa Sastra (Purva mimamsa) is the Karma Kanda or the Ritualistic Part of the Vedas.

2) For much better understanding of our Vedas, we have to Learn the Mimamsa Sastra.

3) Veda is our Law and Mimamsa Sastra is the Interpretor for this Law.

4) It is our Duty to perform our Nitya, Naimittika and Kamya Karma Anushtanas in accordance with our Vedic Law.

This article is a snippet from the Book Essentials of Hinduism, Authored by G.S Nilakantan. Hinduism for All is available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition.

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