Rama addresses Sita in anger - Chapter 39

In the previous chapter, we saw Sita being brought to Rama’s presence.  Now we'll see Rama addresses Sita in anger.

Rama began to speak angrily to Sita. He said “Auspicious lady you have been released from the enemy after I killed him. I have wiped the shame that had befallen us. My greatness has been established. Hanuman’s heroic deed of crossing the sea has yielded fruits. The great efforts of Sugreeva who helped me also ended very usefully. So also Vibheeshana’s great efforts who surrendered to me by his own will”. Sita was looking at Rama with tear-filled eyes. Rama got all angrier and spoke harshly “Sita you have been redeemed by me but I do not need you as a blind man would not need light. You may go wherever you please as I have no need for you. Which man of good birth would accept with full heart a woman who has spent time in another man’s house? How can I accept you who had been desired by a Rakshasa? I saved you only for getting a good name and not because I love you. You may stay either with Lakshmana, Bharata, or even Vibheeshana”. Sita shuddered at the words of Rama and she shed tears profusely. One could be easily shocked at the cruel attitude of Rama who is known for his magnanimity and justice.

If Sita was taken away by Ravana she was helpless and it was against her protests. Rama’s accusation of his wife Sita was not acceptable to many present there.

In the next chapter, We'll see Sita enters the fire.


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